Sep 4Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Thanks L’il Bean. I will try that Möbius strip of grief. I like that it’s a reminder of what makes one happy too. Sorry it’s hard for you today. The birds are always my glimmer of hope. They are busy today, courting I think.

If I’m feeling down I will often walk up to the shop, buy some milk and talk to whoever is on duty. I’ve had some profound moments in that shop - three of us cried and hugged each other about the state of the world last week, the shop owner wiping her tears on the edge of her big apron. Made me realise I’m not alone in my grief. And it’s OK.

I like that idea that just as trees communicate with each other through their rootlets, or is it their mycelium, humans communicate similarly to each other. We watch each other intently and often know how the other is feeling without talking about it. Maybe it’s the zeitgeist? So I’m intent on loving my fellow humans and adding good vibes to the zeitgeist to support us all. In the shop I had the distinct feeling that I was not alone. There were 3 of us intent on sending out love and this is replicated all over the place. It’s infectious in a good way!

So after such a long answer, my glimmers are the birds, human kindness and how that kindness becomes the prevailing emotion, if there’s enough of us doing it.

Take care, Susan

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Thank you Susan for your beautiful heartfelt reply. Your local shop sounds like a wonderful sort of human magic. Cheers to all of us choosing kindness and for us taking turns doing the holding up. Thank you for holding me up today. xoxo

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

I Love that you are finding such truth in your local shop. We should all be weeping , wailing and then asking whats mine to do, in such challenging times.

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

I love this. It shows us without one side there could not even be the other side.

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Yes, that is my favourite part of it too :)

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Sep 4Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Perfect timing! I am also struggling today (this week) and your drawing and words today helped give a grounding to my feelings. The intense storms here in Victoria haven’t helped either. Glimmers - a new favourite morning cup of tea (Chocolate Digestives by Bird & Blend), I can still make a great loaf of sourdough despite tears, the new spring growth on the trees around me.

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Thank you Michelle, it is lovely to not feel so alone. We haven’t had rain but wild, wild wind, which is exhausting, too! Your glimmers become my glimmers which - OMG there is a chocolate digestives TEA!!! Sending love your way. xoxo

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Love your image and the idea of the “strip” to show how all is welcome and has it part to play. Like the Rumi, Guesthouse poem.

Finding glimmers hard as have a bad back. My glimmers I going for some shiatsu later and am enjoying a good book club book, plus the delicious cuppa I am enjoying whilst writing this.

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Sorry to hear about your back - is it an acute thing or always with you? Glad we both managed to find some glimmers on a not perfect day. Thank you for sharing them. I don’t know the guesthouse poem, I shall have to look it up. xo

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Sep 6Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Thanks for asking, I have only had a bad back once before, when I had a Porsche . The seat was really uncomfortable, so it had to go 😂

As I now believe this type of thing has an emotional element I am working on that. This is obvious given the day it started and some disappointing news for my daughter. Plus some smaller stuff going on for me...only putting it all together in last few days and back has improved immensely . The shiatsu was marvellous.

Talking of emotions , that is why the Rumi poem the guesthouse is so relevant and insightful. 🧡

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,

and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

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Sep 6Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Thanks for the poem!

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Thank you for the poem, that is perfect. I’m glad your back is on the mend.

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Glimmers: Seeing a friend snuggled up watching a video, smiling. Laughing together about bodily frailties and our particular paranoid ways of feeling like we’re dying in various ways. Reading a book.

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Ha! Thank you for the chuckle “feeling like we are dying in various ways”. Laughter is the best medicine. Thank you for sharing your glimmers with us today. What book are you enjoying? I love a good recommendation.

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Sep 6Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Little, Big by Crowley

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Wow! I've not heard of that one, looks intriguing - I'm going to pop it on my list of books to keep an eye out for. Thanks!

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Sep 4Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Thanks for sharing this. I have been struggling this week as well, too busy, not enough nature, feeling depleted. This is helpful, especially the idea of the strip. Brilliant!

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Knowing my unglimmery state can still be helpful is lovely! Thank you. I hope your week looks up heading into its second half. xoxo

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Thank you. I wish you the same! 💚

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Oh that’s cool! I love things that remind us that we and life aren’t one sided and to appreciate how our multiple facets support each other.

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

I'm glad you found some glimmers today, Gillian. When I'm struggling, I most often find them in nature, too. My glimmers today were setting aside time to go for a quick walk in the bush after lunch (I always want to, but always have so much work I bail on the walk), and having a Currawong come to say hi. They're my special bird.

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I always bail on the walk too when under the pump, although I did find time for lunch and a walk/sit in nature with a friend yesterday - perhaps I am learning slowly! The grey fantail is my special bird - I first saw one just after I had read the Dark materials series by Phillip Pulman and it felt like my familiar.

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

A beautiful bird.

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Sep 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Oh this is awesome, I'm definitely going to try it. Thank you for sharing.

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Glad you like it!

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Thank you for sharing the grief meditation. What a unique and helpful way to work with the complexities of our shared human condition.

I’m currently visiting the Oregon coast. Which is rugged and spectacular in its beauty. Glimmers of sunlight reflect off the ocean, a blue crane visits, people who walk by and stop to greet one another.

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