Jul 4Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

A little glimmer for me this week was a recent 10km walk to the Mundaring Weir & back. Even though we’re supposed to be in the depths of winter here in Perth, the ground was littered with tiny pink flowers. Monarch butterflies drifted on the breeze, but one had obviously drifted across the road & met an untimely demise with a vehicle. I couldn’t leave the beautiful thing there on the road to get pulverised, so I picked it up and placed it in amongst some of those pink flowers.

Such a weightless, insubstantial little creature, and yet such beauty and inspiration 🦋

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Amazing! I went to a talk on insects last night - extraordinary, all of them, outclassing us all on an evolutionary scale and beautiful as well. Thank you for sharing your glimmer. Lovely also to have winter flowers - I now know some insects require winter flowers! xo

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Jul 4Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

That is so sweet, Maggie! It reminded me of a time when my son was about 5 or 6, and we were in a grocery store parking lot when he spotted a butterfly on the ground, perished. He gently picked it up and looked at me with those big eyes and said, "We can't leave it to die here in the parking lot!" We found a natural spot to lay it to rest. I think that response is so appropriate and lovely, and the world would be a better place if more people had it more often 💕

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Yes, yes!

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Jul 10Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Beautiful things never die. They just change from one form to another. Once a butterfly, then a touching gesture by a human. And now an inspiration to many. Well done, Maggie for taking and passing the baton.

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Jul 3Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

Rage, rage at the thoughtless plastic confettiers!

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Thanks for making me laugh out loud!

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Jul 3Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

A lovely image of you carefully removing the rubbish to look after the creatures . Then another comes in of you picking up the confetti. Such contrasts about care and lack of it, but your care triumphs .

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You are right! I didn’t write them as linked but they are!

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Jul 5Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

So very instructive, nature shows us the way every time!

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Jul 4Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

This is so great, Gillian! It seems like the type of little thing that not many people would think to notice, and point out, and you've shared it so beautifully. Living on a homestead in the forest, we are often balancing our activities with disturbance of the little wild creatures, sometimes making our ways around them, sometimes gently re-housing them, and it's really a beautiful interaction.

p.s. I especially like that you include the cockroaches amongst the amazing creatures :)

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Lol, three cheers for the cockroaches! the bush ones that live in leaf litter here are really rather beautiful in an efficient, glossy kind of way. I learnt last night that they are REALLY old - appearing more than 280 million years ago and I’m guessing very likely to outlast humans.

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Jul 3Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

I very much understand the smaller world shown when moving items from the larger world. For me, it’s the crawl space and I most definitely move slowly!

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Jul 2Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

A virtual women’s circle sounds like a fabulous idea! We all need to take those wobbly first steps to make and nurture our community.

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Thanks Steph, it is a little scary as I exercise those muscles that have atrophied over 25 years of working too hard! Do I remember right - are you the one moving to Murrumbateman soon? If so, I’d be up to grab a coffee at some time if you would like. You can shoot me a DM if you’d like that. xo

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Jul 3Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

That sounds lovely!! Thank you - we are a few months off but I will definitely reach out when we move!

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Jul 10Liked by Gillian & Li'l Bean

"Nature is resilient, adaptable and opportunistic". Isn't she just? I love your respect for your "more than human" friends.

And another thing: Everybody these days is talking (with apprehension) about an impending new world order. I LOVE that you are setting the rules in your very own new world order. I love that! I'm going to adopt that mindset too! You're a inspiration, Gillian.

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Welcome Avril, lovely to have you here! Thanks for popping in to say hi. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all make a new kinder world order in our small circles - they might just start to overlap!

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Thank you for cleaning up the confetti, and for allowing that sometimes we aren't aware of our messes!

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