A cartoon
A thought
I had a rollercoaster of a week. Many things colliding for unexpected highs and lows. The turning point was Wednesday when I decided quiet and a mini-hibernation were the only appropriate responses. The documentary “The Giants”, the Bob Brown story popped up on Netflix. I watched and sobbed for two whole hours. I could feel this doco changing me as I watched, like a sacred fire, burning away parts of me I no longer need.
It clutched my heart with the combination of love and grief so deep that it was a physical force.
If you are an Aussie, this is a must-watch for the backstory of one of our most extraordinary Australians. The story of how far we have come, how far we have to go, and what good company we keep. This tale of a man, interwoven by the rhythm of a land that is also truly extraordinary.
If the name Bob Brown doesn’t mean anything to you, this is a must-watch for those of us who love the earth. It is a chance to grieve, celebrate and be inspired. It is the story of a human who has elevated his conscience as the guiding force in his life. As a result, his impact has been incandescent.
Tiny action
You can work out how to watch it in your part of the world here: https://thegiantsfilm.com/
Enjoy! Although you might need some tissues!
Glimmers and sparks*
My glimmers for today are:
Enjoying good conversation with my son over a coffee.
Ripper of a sunset with layers of cloud glowing orange.
Super strong full arc rainbow as we said goodbye to days of rain:
Li’l bean is your reminder to pause and ask: What are your glimmers for today?
From your friend and your small, steadfast companion,
*Drawing Li’l Bean helped me navigate out of a period of depression in 2023. A good friend 13, 595km away, helped, too, through a ritual of swapping daily glimmers via text.
A glimmer is a tiny spark of hope, enthusiasm or joy that lifts your heart. By helping me find three glimmers each day, she gently helped me see the joy and beauty already around me.
I’d like to share this practice with you and invite you to reflect on your glimmers for the day when you read this. Think of Li’l Bean as a reminder to notice the glimmers and sparks in your life. We’d love it if you would like to share your glimmers in the comments or by hitting reply (if you don’t like sharing publicly).
I too found this film empowering and moving. Bob has long been a hero of mine.
And nice rainbow picture! What a 🛝!